Computer per il progetto doposcuola 2018
Il progetto “5 pani e 2 pesci” continua ad avere un grande successo, specialmente ora che il programma di recupero si è arricchito di un corso d’informatica, grazie alla generosità di un benefattore che ha sponsorizzato l’acquisto di alcuni Computer. Tantissimi bambini e ragazzi partecipano alle lezioni di recupero ed integrazione con entusiasmo e voglia d’imparare; nel loro cuore finalmente si è accesa la speranza in un futuro migliore. Questo grazie alle Suore della Missione, che instancabilmente garantiscono l’attività di doposcuola ai bimbi più emarginati ed esposti alla violenza dello “Squatters area Rona’s Garden”.
November 19, 2018
God is right here with you, listening to you and eager to help.Psalm 145
Dear Mr. Paolo ,
Peace and Goodness!
We, sisters of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (F.M. S. C.) in Quezon City, Philippines, together with the children of Rona’s Garden under the program of “5 pani e 2 pesci”, would like to personally express our heartfelt gratitude for the amount you have donated for the needs of our children in their studies. With the said amount we are able to buy 5 sets of computer (laptop). Thank you for supporting the program to develop the knowledge, skills, interests and above all the lives of these children with this modern technology.
The donations you have shared shape a lot the future of these children. In fact can be seen their joy in utilizing the laptop and their dedication to reach their dreams.
Thank you and may our Good Lord Bless you!
With Gratitude and Prayer,
Sr. Teresita and sisters of the Community

Dear Sabrina , peace and goodness
How are you ? I hope that you are in good health upon receiving this email I am sending you the up dated varied picture, which arrange according to their categories of their activity such
- Play time
- study time
- Christian formation
- environmental activity
- cooking activity
- film showing
- meal time
- prayer activity
- physical activity
thank you for every thing, May the good Lord Bless You and his face shine upon you!
with love and Prayer sr. teresita
Aggiornamento settembre 2016
Dear Sabrina, Pace e Bene.
Sorry for our long silence. We hope you are fine together with all your loved ones and the company of the Tau
Onlus Mission. Teaching children is quite exhausting and needed a lot of patience yet we enjoy helping these
children as best as we can do. You know sometimes we forgot to take pictures specially when we are already
doing our activities with the children. Now we are sending some pictures and updates of the activities of the
children also the expenses for the year 2015.
We thank you for your generosity and constant support for this project
With gratitude and high esteem,
Sr. Teresita and Sr. Jocelyn
Dear Sabrina, Pace e Bene.
Sorry if we are not able to give any updates after receiving your economic support. Besides of our activity to the children of the “5 Bread and 2 Fishes” mission, we are also participating to the activities of the Parish here. Like the preparation for the opening of the “Jubilee of Mercy” at the same time the “The Opening of the Eucharistic Congress and the Family”,
the vigil for the “Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception”, and the Christmas party of the Children and the Catechists of the Parish.
Also we and the FMSC sisters of Boso-Boso went to a school-village called “Upper Kilingan” which is on the hills of Antipolo Rizal, where the sisters go for teaching catechesis, and as an outreach program for this Christmas season with the Theme: “Share your blessings”.
The money that you sent for the ” 5 Bread and 2 Fishes” we bought some educational and game materials. We also order blackboard and some tables (which we are still waiting to be delivered) for the children. Attached herewith some pictures of the adjustments of the facilities, educational materials and some activities of the children.
Wishing you a meaningful preparation for Christmas. United in prayer…and high esteem,
Sr. Teresita and Sr. Jocelyn
Project Proposals
Summary of Project
- The After-school “5 Bread and 2 Fishes” Center is intended to help the little Children of Rona’s Garden, an squatters area (it called is “squatters” because those who are residing in this area doesn’t have any land title, they just occupied abusively and illegally the place), from 6 years old to 12 years old. This project aimed to prevent these little children from drug exposure, like the cocaine substance, shabu and rugby. The rugby (is a kind of glue used in attaching the shoes) is the most common drug that is being used in order to numb, the mind and body from hunger caused by poverty.
- The Project aims to protect these little children from various form of exploitation: drug trafficking, prostitution, forced labor, and other forms of abuses for minors wherein they are being used as carrier of drugs, and not only that, in their community or sometimes by their parents itself, or by their relatives and other persons who are “powerful”.
- This Project wants to put in action such kind of Prevention in order to remove these children from such very traumatic situation.
- This project responds to the Charism of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart present in the Philippines, in the community of “Mary Immaculate” at Quezon City; they are willing to share to these children a space of their convent by organizing it properly in order to perform the educational activities of prevention in order to let them experience the benevolence, that means the “redemptive love” of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The pedagogy of the love of Jesus who gives Himself as the “daily bread” is the heart of this project.
They passed him a cup, and when he had given thanks he said… “Take this and share among yourselves for I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the grape of the vine until the Kingdom comes.”
Jesus also took the bread and after giving thanks he broke and gave it to them, “This is my body, which is given for you… do this in memory of me…” Lk.22:17-19
- The After-school “5 Bread and 2 Fishes” Center passes the light of hope to these little children by facilitating the blessing shared by the Donors of this program, by letting them experience the coming of the Kingdom of God by sustaining them in their integral growth of life. For Jesus said do this in memory of me.
Project Objectives
To contribute in the process of integral growth of life of the poor children by:
- Sustaining these children in applying in a methodological way through the educational activities, with discipline;
- Promoting the values of sharing where every children has something to contribute in this program by taking care the instruments they are using and cleaning the place after using, sharing their talents, and knowledge to one another, where they can experience and shared a sense of belonging to one faith, one hope and love that flows from the heart of Jesus Christ.
- Organizing 3 times a year an encounter between parents and children for reflection and prayer.
Steps for the Realization of the Project:
- Preparation for a conducive place in order to facilitate properly the encounter and the activities for their integral growth, such we need:
- Adjustment of the structure/ hygiene services
- Hygiene materials and basic Medical assistance
- Various Instructional materials
- Indoor Sports Materials
- Food assistance, 1 meal a day
- 3 Personnel that will help in the realization of the project, Educators and maintainers
Time Frame:
- The estimated time dedicated for this project “5 Bread and 2 Fishes” is for one (1) year, from September 2015 to August 2016.
Daily activity:
Morning: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 11:00
- Doing the daily assignment
- Indoors Sports Activity
- Meals
- House keeping
Afternoon: 4:00 – 5:30
- Doing the daily assignment
- Indoor Sports Activity
- Meals
- House keeping
Responsible for the Implementation
- There will be: 1 Educator that will assist the Learning knowledge, skill, assignment of the children, program, moral and spiritual formation.
- 1 for Finance: Responsible for the documents, the accounts and the practical necessities for the in structural material for the children.
- 1 for Food management, preparation, and maintenance.
- Children’s participation – to clean and put in order their used materials.
Resources Needed
- Project benefactor
- 3 personnel:
a) 1 Educator Coordinator for
- Project personnel and Program Evaluator
- Learner coordinator for program of daily activity of the children
b)1 Finance coordinator
c) 1 Food maintenance coordinator = [* food management and planning, cooking coordinator * assistance and cleaning, marketing coordinator]
- Instructional material
- Sports activity material
- Kitchen material
- Study hall improvement
- Hygiene/ medical material
Description of the Project Materials
Accommodation /Hall Adjustment:
- Sanitary services
- Restoration of the space/ hall improvement and the garden
- Repainting/ rearrangement
- Furnishings: table and chairs
- Computer
- Projector
- Sound system and microphone
- Printer
- Guitar, cymbals, piano
Educational Materials
- Colored papers
- Notebooks
- Drawing sheets
- Colors, ballpens, pencils, markers, brushes
- Books
Game and sports Materials:
- Educational blocks/cubes
- Mini-bowling
- Skipping rope
- Cheese board
- Balls
- A complete daily meal for the children (15 to 20 children)
- 3 personnel